Serving the Black River Falls community since 1984.
  • Store Hours: Mon-Fri: 7AM-6PM | Saturday: 8AM-5PM | Sunday: Closed


Ortho thumbnail Locations: Scholze Ace Home Center

The Ortho brand has a history of innovation when it comes to pest control, being the first in the category to offer:

  • Hose-end applicator
  • Applicators that require no mixing or measuring
  • Ready-to-use pesticides
  • Consumer education programs
  • Environmentally-friendly line of control products
  • Selective weed control
  • A comprehensive problem-solution resource, the Ortho Problem Solver
  • DIY solution publications
  • Continuous spray applicator

Today, Ortho® sells nearly $300 million across weed control, insect control and animal repellent products. For more information about Ortho, visit their website,